Re: freezing afer switching from graphical to console

Eric Altendorf (
Mon, 8 Jul 2002 23:30:43 -0700

On Monday 08 July 2002 22:38, Michael Gruner wrote:
> since 2.4.17 I have got a problem: trying to switch from graphical
> screen to console or to stop my X-session my box freezes. The
> screen gets black and nothing more happens. Pressing any keys or
> trying to switch to another console the box does not do anything.

I don't have this problem on 2.4.18, but I did on 2.5 kernels. On my
box, it had something to do with the display manager (kdmh). When I
boot to runlevel 3 and run startx manually (without kdm) I have no
virtual console problems. That's my workaround for now.

I don't know what causes the problem. If anyone else has an idea to
share, that'd be great.

viel glueck,


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