Re: Future of Kernel tree 2.0 ............

Thunder from the hill (
Sat, 13 Jul 2002 11:11:52 -0600 (MDT)


On Sat, 13 Jul 2002, Gerhard Mack wrote:
> > Is there any reason at all to use 2.0 instead of 2.2?
> On a new system probably not .. on an old system however the effort needed
> to upgrade all of the related utilities just isn't worth it.

I think one always gets one's environment tuned to fit himself. (At least
I do.) I still have some 2.0 machines running, and they're running fine.
They ran fine since Adam, and will still run fine as long as 2.0 is
maintained. I can run them without too much administration effort (this is
cool, since they're about 100 miles away...)

When I have them administrated, I always get this comfortable feeling,
because the most of it is done by large scripts which check input and
compute the output by themselves. If I dropped e.g. the old firewalling
style, I'd have to change ~60% of my scripts to the new firewalling style.

I think this is a good reason not to upgrade to a so-called "recent"
kernel on those boxes.


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Version: 3.12
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