Re: Generic modules documentation is outdated

Stelian Pop (
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:24:12 +0200

On Thu, Jul 18, 2002 at 11:02:59PM +0200, Yann Dirson wrote:

> I dicovered that I could "echo 0 >
> /proc/sys/kernel/tainted"
> => is this reasonable ?

Yes, if you are smart enough to do this you could also edit the oops
report or even patch nvidia licence tag etc. It's just a help to
the kernel developers to sort out newbie bug reports, nothing more.

> => isn't there a mechanism that triggers a kernel log when "tainted" is set ?
> Any reason for not having one ?

There is no internal kernel function being called in order to
initialise this flag. insmod just sets the value of the symbol, it
doesn't call a kernel function which could make an entry into the logs.

However, insmod can and should IMHO syslog this.

> - In 2.4.18 I can't find any information about the modules licencing issues
> in Documentation/modules.txt (nor in Documentation/kmod.txt, but I don't
> feel this one would be the place for this, correct me if I'm wrong)

See Documentation/oops-tracing.txt and Documentation/sysctl/kernel.txt
(in 2.4.19-rc2 at least).


Stelian Pop <>
Alcove -
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