Re: [PATCH] 2.5.27 sysctl

Dave Jones (
Mon, 22 Jul 2002 13:19:15 +0200

On Mon, Jul 22, 2002 at 12:56:07PM +0200, Marcin Dalecki wrote:

> > Please don't remove the trailing commas in the enums. they make adding
> > to them much easier and are allowed by gcc (and maybe C99, I'm not
> > sure).
> It's an GNU-ism. If you have any problem with "adding vales", just
> invent some dummy end-value. I have a problem with using -pedantic.

If you feel like doing 'warnings patrol', then there are a bunch of
more important regular warnings[1] that need fixing up without having to look
through the pedantic output. Last I checked the pedantic stuff flagged
a lot of bits that the fix ended up uglier than the warning
(which 99.9% of people won't ever see anyway)


[1] Although more important would be stabilising IDE, but thats a sidenote.

| Dave Jones.
| SuSE Labs
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