traffic shaper in 2.4.18 working?

Benson Chow (
Sun, 28 Jul 2002 13:56:49 -0600 (MDT)

(initial conditions)
I have two existing IP addresses on eth0 belonging to the same subnet as a
virtual host. This machine is a dual CPU box at 450MHz with an Intel
EtherPro 100.

(what I've done)
I've executed:
shapecfg attach shaper0 eth0
shapecfg speed shaper0 19000
ifconfig shaper0

However, it seems whenever I subsequently connect to this
machine's from another machine, it still transmits at full
bandwidth of the media and not the 19K (Bytes/sec?) that I expect?

Is this a proper usage of this device or is it a bug?



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