Re: [patch] vm86: Clear AC on INT

Kasper Dupont (
Thu, 01 Aug 2002 14:19:08 +0200

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Stas Sergeev wrote:
> Hello.
> According to this:
> AC flag is cleared by an INT
> instruction executed in real mode.
> The attached patch implements that
> functionality and solves some
> problems recently discussed in
> dosemu mailing list.

Finally I found the old test program I originally used to discover
the missing clear_IF bug. With small modifications it should be
able to verify the existence of this AC bug and that it has been
corrected. I'm going to try this asap.

Kasper Dupont -- der bruger for meget tid på usenet.
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Uses Dos;

Const Code: Array[0..79] Of Byte = ( $89,$e5,$50,$53,$06,$51,$fb,$f4,$cf,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90, $fb,$f4,$89,$ec,$cf,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90, $0e,$e8,$02,$00,$89,$ec,$cf,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90, $cd,$01,$cd,$03,$cd,$08,$cc,$9d,$89,$ec,$cf,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90, $9c,$fa,$89,$ec,$cf,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90,$90 );

Const FV: Array[0..3] Of Word = ($7002,$7102,$7202,$7302);

Var Buffer: Array[0..40000] Of Char; Var Index: Word; Var I: Word;

Procedure BufWrite(S: String); Var I: Byte; Begin For I:=1 To Length(S) Do Begin Buffer[Index]:=S[I]; Inc(Index); End; End;

Procedure Hex(w : Word); Const HexKarakterer : Array [0..$F] Of Char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; Begin BufWrite(HexKarakterer[Hi(w) Shr 4]+ HexKarakterer[Hi(w) And $F]+ HexKarakterer[Lo(w) Shr 4]+ HexKarakterer[Lo(w) And $F]+ ' '); End;

Procedure MyInt1(Flags, CS, IP, AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, DS, ES, BP: word); Interrupt; Begin Hex(IP); Hex(MemW[CS:IP]); Hex(SPtr); Hex(Flags); BufWrite('Trace'#13#10); End;

Procedure MyInt3(Flags, CS, IP, AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, DS, ES, BP: word); Interrupt; Begin Hex(IP); Hex(MemW[CS:IP]); Hex(SPtr); Hex(Flags); BufWrite('Break'#13#10); End;

Procedure MyInt8(Flags, CS, IP, AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, DS, ES, BP: word); Interrupt; Begin Port[$20]:=$20; Hex(IP); Hex(MemW[CS:IP]); Hex(SPtr); Hex(Flags); BufWrite('Timer'#13#10); End;

Var S01,S03,S08,S18: Pointer; Var X,Y,Z: Byte; Var Regs: Registers; Var T: Byte; Begin WriteLn('Waiting'); Index := 0; T:=Mem[$40:$6C]; Repeat InLine($F4); Until Byte(Mem[$40:$6C]-T) > 42; WriteLn('Runing tests'); GetIntVec($01,S01); GetIntVec($03,S03); GetIntVec($08,S08); GetIntVec($18,S18); SetIntVec($01,@MyInt1); SetIntVec($03,@MyInt3); SetIntVec($08,@MyInt8); SetIntVec($18,@Code); For X:=0 To 3 Do For Y := 0 To 3 Do For Z := 1 To 4 Do Begin BufWrite('Test'#13#10); Regs.AX:=FV[X]; Regs.BX:=FV[Y]; Regs.CX:=Ofs(Code[Z*16]); Regs.ES:=Seg(Code); Regs.Flags:=$7202; Intr($18,Regs); End; SetIntVec($01,S01); SetIntVec($03,S03); SetIntVec($08,S08); SetIntVec($18,S18); WriteLn('Printing results'); For I:=0 To Index-1 Do Write(Buffer[I]); WriteLn('All done.'); End.  --------------47C52F29D5223C2431DC8063--

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