2.5.30: undefined references in sound/sound.o and net/network.o

Johnnie Q. Hacker (trelane@neurotek.dnsalias.com)
Sun, 11 Aug 2002 14:28:58 -0500

Got the following errors when making bzImage for 2.5.30. Thought y'all
might like to see 'em.

ld -m elf_i386 -T arch/i386/vmlinux.lds -e stext arch/i386/kernel/head.o arch/i386/kernel/init_task.o init/init.o --start-group arch/i386/kernel/kernel.o arch/i386/mm/mm.o kernel/kernel.o mm/mm.o fs/fs.o ipc/ipc.o security/built-in.o /usr/local/src/kernel/linux-2.5.30/arch/i386/lib/lib.a lib/lib.a /usr/local/src/kernel/linux-2.5.30/arch/i386/lib/lib.a drivers/built-in.o sound/sound.o arch/i386/pci/pci.o net/network.o --end-group -o vmlinux
sound/sound.o: In function `snd_cs4281_gameport':
sound/sound.o(.text+0x2f739): undefined reference to `gameport_register_port'
sound/sound.o: In function `snd_cs4281_free':
sound/sound.o(.text+0x2f755): undefined reference to `gameport_unregister_port'
net/network.o: In function `sock_init':
net/network.o(.text.init+0x65): undefined reference to `bluez_init'
make: *** [vmlinux] Error 1

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