Re: IDE?

Vojtech Pavlik (
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 15:27:25 +0200

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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On Wed, Aug 21, 2002 at 02:20:07PM +0100, Alan Cox wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-08-21 at 11:17, Vojtech Pavlik wrote:
> > I have completely rewritten (and very well tested) versions of the amd
> > and piix pci ide drivers.
> I have completely non-rewritten piix drivers that work extremely well
> are now easy to read, commented and have done for a very long time. Why
> do I want rewritten ones ?

Even nicer? Easier to add new devices? Not having switch(deviceid)
everywhere? Don't know. I believe they're better. In any case it's a lot
of good work thrown away, yours or mine. :(

The two drivers in question attached in their form suitable for
2.4-non-ac, you can take a look. If there is a chance to get them into
2.4-ac/2.5, I can change them to fit the kernels as needed.

> > I'm now looking through 2.4.20-pre2-ac5 and your version of via82cxxx.c,
> > and all looks quite good to me, except for some of the indentation
> > changes which seem to make the code fit into 78 columns at the loss of
> > readability. Was the file run through indent?
> Andre may have indented it a bit. I've probably caused a bit of noise in
> checking all the static's etc

It's awful in my opinion, others may differ. Would you mind if I sent
you patch that'd put the indentation back, while keeping all the code as
you have it now?

Vojtech Pavlik
SuSE Labs

--2oS5YaxWCcQjTEyO Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="piix.c"

/* * Version 1.4 * * Intel PIIX/ICH and Efar Victory66 IDE driver for Linux. * * Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Vojtech Pavlik * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Andre Hedrick * Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Andrzej Krzysztofowicz * * Thanks to Daniela Egbert for advice on PIIX bugs. */

/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. */

#include <linux/config.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/ioport.h> #include <linux/blkdev.h> #include <linux/pci.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/ide.h> #include <asm/io.h>

#include "ide-timing.h"

#define PIIX_IDETIM0 0x40 #define PIIX_IDETIM1 0x42 #define PIIX_SIDETIM 0x44 #define PIIX_IDESTAT 0x47 #define PIIX_UDMACTL 0x48 #define PIIX_UDMATIM 0x4a #define PIIX_IDECFG 0x54

#define PIIX_UDMA 0x07 #define PIIX_UDMA_NONE 0x00 #define PIIX_UDMA_33 0x01 #define PIIX_UDMA_66 0x02 #define PIIX_UDMA_100 0x03 #define PIIX_UDMA_133 0x04 #define PIIX_NO_SITRE 0x08 /* Chip doesn't have separate slave timing */ #define PIIX_PINGPONG 0x10 /* Enable ping-pong buffers */ #define PIIX_VICTORY 0x20 /* Efar Victory66 has a different UDMA setup */ #define PIIX_CHECK_REV 0x40 /* May be a buggy revision of PIIX */ #define PIIX_NODMA 0x80 /* Don't do DMA with this chip */

/* * Intel IDE chips */

static struct piix_ide_chip { unsigned short id; unsigned char flags; } piix_ide_chips[] = { { PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801DB_9, PIIX_UDMA_100 | PIIX_PINGPONG }, /* Intel 82801DB ICH4 */ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801CA_11, PIIX_UDMA_100 | PIIX_PINGPONG }, /* Intel 82801CA ICH3/ICH3-S */ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801CA_10, PIIX_UDMA_100 | PIIX_PINGPONG }, /* Intel 82801CAM ICH3-M */ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801E_9, PIIX_UDMA_100 | PIIX_PINGPONG }, /* Intel 82801E C-ICH */ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801BA_9, PIIX_UDMA_100 | PIIX_PINGPONG }, /* Intel 82801BA ICH2 */ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801BA_8, PIIX_UDMA_100 | PIIX_PINGPONG }, /* Intel 82801BAM ICH2-M */ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801AB_1, PIIX_UDMA_33 | PIIX_PINGPONG }, /* Intel 82801AB ICH0 */ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801AA_1, PIIX_UDMA_66 | PIIX_PINGPONG }, /* Intel 82801AA ICH */ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82372FB_1, PIIX_UDMA_66 }, /* Intel 82372FB PIIX5 */ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82443MX_1, PIIX_UDMA_33 }, /* Intel 82443MX MPIIX4 */ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82371AB, PIIX_UDMA_33 }, /* Intel 82371AB/EB PIIX4/PIIX4E */ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82371SB_1, PIIX_UDMA_NONE }, /* Intel 82371SB PIIX3 */ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82371FB_1, PIIX_UDMA_NONE | PIIX_NO_SITRE | PIIX_CHECK_REV }, /* Intel 82371FB PIIX */ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_EFAR_SLC90E66_1, PIIX_UDMA_66 | PIIX_VICTORY }, /* Efar Victory66 */ { 0 } };

static struct piix_ide_chip *piix_config; static unsigned char piix_enabled; static unsigned int piix_80w; static unsigned int piix_clock;

static char *piix_dma[] = { "MWDMA16", "UDMA33", "UDMA66", "UDMA100", "UDMA133" };

/* * PIIX/ICH /proc entry. */


#include <linux/stat.h> #include <linux/proc_fs.h>

byte piix_proc; int piix_base; static struct pci_dev *bmide_dev; extern int (*piix_display_info)(char *, char **, off_t, int); /* ide-proc.c */

#define piix_print(format, arg...) p += sprintf(p, format "\n" , ## arg) #define piix_print_drive(name, format, arg...)\ p += sprintf(p, name); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) p += sprintf(p, format, ## arg); p += sprintf(p, "\n");

static int piix_get_info(char *buffer, char **addr, off_t offset, int count) { int speed[4], cycle[4], active[4], recover[4], dmaen[4], uen[4], udma[4], umul; struct pci_dev *dev = bmide_dev; unsigned int i, u; unsigned short c, d, e; unsigned char t; char *p = buffer;

piix_print("----------PIIX BusMastering IDE Configuration---------------");

piix_print("Driver Version: 1.4"); piix_print("South Bridge: %s", bmide_dev->name);

pci_read_config_byte(dev, PCI_REVISION_ID, &t); piix_print("Revision: IDE %#x", t); piix_print("Highest DMA rate: %s", piix_config->flags & PIIX_NODMA ? "No DMA" : piix_dma[piix_config->flags & PIIX_UDMA]);

piix_print("BM-DMA base: %#x", piix_base); piix_print("PCI clock: %d.%dMHz", piix_clock / 1000, piix_clock / 100 % 10);

piix_print("-----------------------Primary IDE-------Secondary IDE------");

pci_read_config_word(dev, PIIX_IDETIM0, &d); pci_read_config_word(dev, PIIX_IDETIM1, &e); piix_print("Enabled: %10s%20s", (d & 0x8000) ? "yes" : "no", (e & 0x8000) ? "yes" : "no");

c = inb(piix_base + 0x02) | (inb(piix_base + 0x0a) << 8); piix_print("Simplex only: %10s%20s", (c & 0x80) ? "yes" : "no", (c & 0x8000) ? "yes" : "no");

piix_print("Cable Type: %10s%20s", (piix_80w & 1) ? "80w" : "40w", (piix_80w & 2) ? "80w" : "40w");

if (!piix_clock) return p - buffer;


piix_print_drive("Prefetch+Post: ", "%10s", (((i & 2) ? d : e) & (1 << (2 + ((i & 1) << 2)))) ? "yes" : "no");

for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

pci_read_config_word(dev, PIIX_IDETIM0 + (i & 2), &d); if (~piix_config->flags & PIIX_NO_SITRE) pci_read_config_byte(dev, PIIX_SIDETIM, &t);

umul = 4; udma[i] = uen[i] = 0; active[i] = 12; recover[i] = 18;

switch (i & 1) { case 1: if (~d & 0x10) break; if ((~piix_config->flags & PIIX_NO_SITRE) && (d & 0x4000)) { active[i] = 5 - ((t >> (((i & 2) << 1) + 2)) & 3); recover[i] = 4 - ((t >> (((i & 2) << 1) + 0)) & 3); break; }

case 0: if (~d & 0x01) break; active[i] = 5 - ((d >> 12) & 3); recover[i] = 4 - ((d >> 8) & 3); }

dmaen[i] = (c & ((i & 1) ? 0x40 : 0x20) << ((i & 2) << 2)); cycle[i] = 1000000 / piix_clock * (active[i] + recover[i]); speed[i] = 2 * piix_clock / (active[i] + recover[i]);

if (!(piix_config->flags & PIIX_UDMA)) continue;

pci_read_config_byte(dev, PIIX_UDMACTL, &t); uen[i] = (t & (1 << i)) ? dmaen[i] : 0;

if (!uen[i]) continue;

pci_read_config_word(dev, PIIX_UDMATIM, &e); pci_read_config_dword(dev, PIIX_IDECFG, &u);

if (~piix_config->flags & PIIX_VICTORY) { if ((piix_config->flags & PIIX_UDMA) >= PIIX_UDMA_66 && (u & (1 << i))) umul = 2; if ((piix_config->flags & PIIX_UDMA) >= PIIX_UDMA_100 && (u & (1 << (i + 12)))) umul = 1; udma[i] = (4 - ((e >> (i << 2)) & 3)) * umul; } else udma[i] = (8 - ((e >> (i << 2)) & 7)) * 2;

speed[i] = 8 * piix_clock / udma[i]; cycle[i] = 250000 * udma[i] / piix_clock; }

piix_print_drive("Transfer Mode: ", "%10s", dmaen[i] ? (uen[i] ? "UDMA" : "DMA") : "PIO");

piix_print_drive("Address Setup: ", "%8dns", (1000000 / piix_clock) * 3); piix_print_drive("Cmd Active: ", "%8dns", (1000000 / piix_clock) * 12); piix_print_drive("Cmd Recovery: ", "%8dns", (1000000 / piix_clock) * 18); piix_print_drive("Data Active: ", "%8dns", (1000000 / piix_clock) * active[i]); piix_print_drive("Data Recovery: ", "%8dns", (1000000 / piix_clock) * recover[i]); piix_print_drive("Cycle Time: ", "%8dns", cycle[i]); piix_print_drive("Transfer Rate: ", "%4d.%dMB/s", speed[i] / 1000, speed[i] / 100 % 10);

return p - buffer; /* hoping it is less than 4K... */ }


/* * piix_set_speed() writes timing values to the chipset registers */

static void piix_set_speed(struct pci_dev *dev, unsigned char dn, struct ide_timing *timing, int umul) { unsigned short t; unsigned char u; unsigned int c;

pci_read_config_word(dev, PIIX_IDETIM0 + (dn & 2), &t);

switch (dn & 1) {

case 1: if (timing->cycle > 9) { t &= ~0x30; break; }

if (~piix_config->flags & PIIX_NO_SITRE) { pci_read_config_byte(dev, PIIX_SIDETIM, &u); u &= ~(0xf << ((dn & 2) << 1)); t |= 0x30; u |= (4 - FIT(timing->recover, 1, 4)) << ((dn & 2) << 1); u |= (5 - FIT(timing->active, 2, 5)) << (((dn & 2) << 1) + 2); pci_write_config_byte(dev, PIIX_SIDETIM, u); break; }

case 0: if ((~dn & 1) && timing->cycle > 9) { t &= ~0x03; break; }

t &= 0xccff; t |= 0x03 << ((dn & 1) << 2); t |= (4 - FIT(timing->recover, 1, 4)) << 8; t |= (5 - FIT(timing->active, 2, 5)) << 12; }

pci_write_config_word(dev, PIIX_IDETIM0 + (dn & 2), t);

if (!(piix_config->flags & PIIX_UDMA)) return;

pci_read_config_byte(dev, PIIX_UDMACTL, &u); u &= ~(1 << dn);

if (timing->udma) {

u |= 1 << dn;

pci_read_config_word(dev, PIIX_UDMATIM, &t);

if (piix_config->flags & PIIX_VICTORY) { t &= ~(0x07 << (dn << 2)); t |= (8 - FIT(timing->udma, 2, 8)) << (dn << 2); } else { t &= ~(0x03 << (dn << 2)); t |= (4 - FIT(timing->udma, 2, 4)) << (dn << 2); }

pci_write_config_word(dev, PIIX_UDMATIM, t);

if ((piix_config->flags & PIIX_UDMA) > PIIX_UDMA_33 && ~piix_config->flags & PIIX_VICTORY) {

pci_read_config_dword(dev, PIIX_IDECFG, &c); if ((piix_config->flags & PIIX_UDMA) > PIIX_UDMA_66) c &= ~(1 << (dn + 12)); c &= ~(1 << dn);

switch (umul) { case 2: c |= 1 << dn; break; case 4: c |= 1 << (dn + 12); break; }

pci_write_config_dword(dev, PIIX_IDECFG, c); } }

pci_write_config_byte(dev, PIIX_UDMACTL, u); }

/* * piix_set_drive() computes timing values configures the drive and * the chipset to a desired transfer mode. It also can be called * by upper layers. */

static int piix_set_drive(ide_drive_t *drive, unsigned char speed) { ide_drive_t *peer = drive->channel->drives + (~drive->dn & 1); struct ide_timing t, p; int err, T, UT, umul = 1;

if (speed != XFER_PIO_SLOW && speed != drive->current_speed) if ((err = ide_config_drive_speed(drive, speed))) return err;

if (speed > XFER_UDMA_2 && (piix_config->flags & PIIX_UDMA) >= PIIX_UDMA_66) umul = 2; if (speed > XFER_UDMA_4 && (piix_config->flags & PIIX_UDMA) >= PIIX_UDMA_100) umul = 4; T = 1000000000 / piix_clock; UT = T / umul;

ide_timing_compute(drive, speed, &t, T, UT);

if ((piix_config->flags & PIIX_NO_SITRE) && peer->present) { ide_timing_compute(peer, peer->current_speed, &p, T, UT); if (t.cycle <= 9 && p.cycle <= 9) ide_timing_merge(&p, &t, &t, IDE_TIMING_ALL); }

piix_set_speed(drive->channel->pci_dev, drive->dn, &t, umul);

if (!drive->init_speed) drive->init_speed = speed; drive->current_speed = speed;

return 0; }

/* * piix_tune_drive() is a callback from upper layers for * PIO-only tuning. */

static void piix_tune_drive(ide_drive_t *drive, unsigned char pio) { if (!((piix_enabled >> drive->channel->unit) & 1)) return;

if (pio == 255) { piix_set_drive(drive, ide_find_best_mode(drive, XFER_PIO | XFER_EPIO)); return; }

piix_set_drive(drive, XFER_PIO_0 + min_t(byte, pio, 5)); }


/* * piix_dmaproc() is a callback from upper layers that can do * a lot, but we use it for DMA/PIO tuning only, delegating everything * else to the default ide_dmaproc(). */

int piix_dmaproc(ide_dma_action_t func, struct ide_device *drive, struct request *rq) {

if (func == ide_dma_check) {

short w80 = drive->channel->udma_four;

short speed = ide_find_best_mode(drive, XFER_PIO | XFER_EPIO | (piix_config->flags & PIIX_NODMA ? 0 : (XFER_SWDMA | XFER_MWDMA | (piix_config->flags & PIIX_UDMA ? XFER_UDMA : 0) | (w80 && (piix_config->flags & PIIX_UDMA) >= PIIX_UDMA_66 ? XFER_UDMA_66 : 0) | (w80 && (piix_config->flags & PIIX_UDMA) >= PIIX_UDMA_100 ? XFER_UDMA_100 : 0) | (w80 && (piix_config->flags & PIIX_UDMA) >= PIIX_UDMA_133 ? XFER_UDMA_133 : 0))));

piix_set_drive(drive, speed);

func = (drive->channel->autodma && (speed & XFER_MODE) != XFER_PIO) ? ide_dma_on : ide_dma_off_quietly;


return ide_dmaproc(func, drive, rq); }


/* * The initialization callback. Here we determine the IDE chip type * and initialize its drive independent registers. */

unsigned int __init pci_init_piix(struct pci_dev *dev, const char *name) { unsigned int u; unsigned short w; unsigned char t; int i;

/* * Find out which Intel IDE this is. */

for (piix_config = piix_ide_chips; piix_config->id != 0; ++piix_config) if (dev->device == piix_config->id) break;

if (!piix_config->id) { printk(KERN_WARNING "PIIX: Unknown PIIX/ICH chip %#x, disabling DMA.\n", dev->device); return -ENODEV; }

/* * Check for possibly broken DMA configs. */

{ struct pci_dev *orion = NULL;

if (piix_config->flags & PIIX_CHECK_REV) { pci_read_config_byte(dev, PCI_REVISION_ID, &t); if (t < 2) { printk(KERN_INFO "PIIX: Found buggy old PIIX rev %#x, disabling DMA\n", t); piix_config->flags |= PIIX_NODMA; } }

if ((orion = pci_find_device(PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82454GX, NULL))) { pci_read_config_byte(orion, PCI_REVISION_ID, &t); if (t < 4) { printk(KERN_INFO "PIIX: Found buggy 82454GX Orion bridge rev %#x, disabling DMA\n", t); piix_config->flags |= PIIX_NODMA; } } }

/* * Check 80-wire cable presence. */

switch (piix_config->flags & PIIX_UDMA) {

case PIIX_UDMA_66: if (piix_config->flags && PIIX_VICTORY) { pci_read_config_byte(dev, PIIX_IDESTAT, &t); piix_80w = ((t & 2) ? 1 : 0) | ((t & 1) ? 2 : 0); break; }

case PIIX_UDMA_100: case PIIX_UDMA_133: pci_read_config_dword(dev, PIIX_IDECFG, &u); piix_80w = ((u & 0x30) ? 1 : 0) | ((u & 0xc0) ? 2 : 0); break; }

/* * Enable ping-pong buffers where applicable. */

if (piix_config->flags & PIIX_PINGPONG) { pci_read_config_dword(dev, PIIX_IDECFG, &u); u |= 0x400; pci_write_config_dword(dev, PIIX_IDECFG, u); }

/* * Detect enabled interfaces, enable slave separate timing if possible. */

for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { pci_read_config_word(dev, PIIX_IDETIM0 + (i << 1), &w); piix_enabled |= (w & 0x8000) ? (1 << i) : 0; w &= 0x8c00; if (~piix_config->flags & PIIX_NO_SITRE) w |= 0x4000; w |= 0x44; pci_write_config_word(dev, PIIX_IDETIM0 + (i << 1), w); }

/* * Determine the system bus clock. */

piix_clock = system_bus_speed * 1000;

switch (piix_clock) { case 33000: piix_clock = 33333; break; case 37000: piix_clock = 37500; break; case 41000: piix_clock = 41666; break; }

if (piix_clock < 20000 || piix_clock > 50000) { printk(KERN_WARNING "PIIX: User given PCI clock speed impossible (%d), using 33 MHz instead.\n", piix_clock); printk(KERN_WARNING "PIIX: Use ide0=ata66 if you want to assume 80-wire cable\n"); piix_clock = 33333; }

/* * Print the boot message. */

printk(KERN_INFO "PIIX: %s %s controller on pci%s\n", dev->name, piix_dma[piix_config->flags & PIIX_UDMA], dev->slot_name);

/* * Register /proc/ide/piix entry */

#ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS if (!piix_proc) { piix_base = pci_resource_start(dev, 4); bmide_dev = dev; piix_display_info = &piix_get_info; piix_proc = 1; } #endif

return 0; }

unsigned int __init ata66_piix(ide_hwif_t *hwif) { return ((piix_enabled & piix_80w) >> hwif->unit) & 1; }

void __init ide_init_piix(ide_hwif_t *hwif) { int i;

hwif->tuneproc = &piix_tune_drive; hwif->speedproc = &piix_set_drive; hwif->autodma = 0; hwif->io_32bit = 1; hwif->unmask = 1; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { hwif->drives[i].autotune = 1; hwif->drives[i].dn = hwif->unit * 2 + i; }

#ifdef CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDEDMA if (hwif->dma_base) { hwif->highmem = 1; hwif->udma = piix_dmaproc; #ifdef CONFIG_IDEDMA_AUTO if (!noautodma) hwif->autodma = 1; #endif } #endif /* CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDEDMA */ }

/* * We allow the BM-DMA driver only work on enabled interfaces, * and only if DMA is safe with the chip and bridge. */

void __init ide_dmacapable_piix(ide_hwif_t *hwif, unsigned long dmabase) { if (((piix_enabled >> hwif->unit) & 1) && !(piix_config->flags & PIIX_NODMA)) ide_setup_dma(hwif, dmabase, 8); }

--2oS5YaxWCcQjTEyO Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="amd74xx.c"

/* * Version 2.9 * * AMD 755/756/766/8111 and nVidia nForce IDE driver for Linux. * * Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Vojtech Pavlik * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Andre Hedrick * */

/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by * the Free Software Foundation. */

#include <linux/config.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/ioport.h> #include <linux/blkdev.h> #include <linux/pci.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/ide.h> #include <asm/io.h>

#include "ide-timing.h"

#define AMD_IDE_ENABLE (0x00 + amd_config->base) #define AMD_IDE_CONFIG (0x01 + amd_config->base) #define AMD_CABLE_DETECT (0x02 + amd_config->base) #define AMD_DRIVE_TIMING (0x08 + amd_config->base) #define AMD_8BIT_TIMING (0x0e + amd_config->base) #define AMD_ADDRESS_SETUP (0x0c + amd_config->base) #define AMD_UDMA_TIMING (0x10 + amd_config->base)

#define AMD_UDMA 0x07 #define AMD_UDMA_33 0x01 #define AMD_UDMA_66 0x02 #define AMD_UDMA_100 0x03 #define AMD_BAD_SWDMA 0x08 #define AMD_BAD_FIFO 0x10

/* * AMD SouthBridge chips. */

static struct amd_ide_chip { unsigned short id; unsigned char rev; unsigned int base; unsigned char flags; } amd_ide_chips[] = { { PCI_DEVICE_ID_AMD_8111_IDE, 0x00, 0x40, AMD_UDMA_100 }, /* AMD-8111 */ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_AMD_OPUS_7441, 0x00, 0x40, AMD_UDMA_100 }, /* AMD-768 Opus */ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_AMD_VIPER_7411, 0x00, 0x40, AMD_UDMA_100 | AMD_BAD_FIFO }, /* AMD-766 Viper */ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_AMD_VIPER_7409, 0x07, 0x40, AMD_UDMA_66 }, /* AMD-756/c4+ Viper */ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_AMD_VIPER_7409, 0x00, 0x40, AMD_UDMA_66 | AMD_BAD_SWDMA }, /* AMD-756 Viper */ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_AMD_COBRA_7401, 0x00, 0x40, AMD_UDMA_33 | AMD_BAD_SWDMA }, /* AMD-755 Cobra */ { PCI_DEVICE_ID_NVIDIA_NFORCE_IDE, 0x00, 0x50, AMD_UDMA_100 }, /* nVidia nForce */ { 0 } };

static struct amd_ide_chip *amd_config; static unsigned char amd_enabled; static unsigned int amd_80w; static unsigned int amd_clock;

static unsigned char amd_cyc2udma[] = { 6, 6, 5, 4, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 }; static unsigned char amd_udma2cyc[] = { 4, 6, 8, 10, 3, 2, 1, 1 }; static char *amd_dma[] = { "MWDMA16", "UDMA33", "UDMA66", "UDMA100" };

/* * AMD /proc entry. */


#include <linux/stat.h> #include <linux/proc_fs.h>

byte amd74xx_proc; int amd_base; static struct pci_dev *bmide_dev; extern int (*amd74xx_display_info)(char *, char **, off_t, int); /* ide-proc.c */

#define amd_print(format, arg...) p += sprintf(p, format "\n" , ## arg) #define amd_print_drive(name, format, arg...)\ p += sprintf(p, name); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) p += sprintf(p, format, ## arg); p += sprintf(p, "\n");

static int amd_get_info(char *buffer, char **addr, off_t offset, int count) { int speed[4], cycle[4], setup[4], active[4], recover[4], den[4], uen[4], udma[4], active8b[4], recover8b[4]; struct pci_dev *dev = bmide_dev; unsigned int v, u, i; unsigned short c, w; unsigned char t; char *p = buffer;

amd_print("----------AMD BusMastering IDE Configuration----------------");

amd_print("Driver Version: 2.9"); amd_print("South Bridge: %s", bmide_dev->name);

pci_read_config_byte(dev, PCI_REVISION_ID, &t); amd_print("Revision: IDE %#x", t); amd_print("Highest DMA rate: %s", amd_dma[amd_config->flags & AMD_UDMA]);

amd_print("BM-DMA base: %#x", amd_base); amd_print("PCI clock: %d.%dMHz", amd_clock / 1000, amd_clock / 100 % 10); amd_print("-----------------------Primary IDE-------Secondary IDE------");

pci_read_config_byte(dev, AMD_IDE_CONFIG, &t); amd_print("Prefetch Buffer: %10s%20s", (t & 0x80) ? "yes" : "no", (t & 0x20) ? "yes" : "no"); amd_print("Post Write Buffer: %10s%20s", (t & 0x40) ? "yes" : "no", (t & 0x10) ? "yes" : "no");

pci_read_config_byte(dev, AMD_IDE_ENABLE, &t); amd_print("Enabled: %10s%20s", (t & 0x02) ? "yes" : "no", (t & 0x01) ? "yes" : "no");

c = inb(amd_base + 0x02) | (inb(amd_base + 0x0a) << 8); amd_print("Simplex only: %10s%20s", (c & 0x80) ? "yes" : "no", (c & 0x8000) ? "yes" : "no");

amd_print("Cable Type: %10s%20s", (amd_80w & 1) ? "80w" : "40w", (amd_80w & 2) ? "80w" : "40w");

if (!amd_clock) return p - buffer;


pci_read_config_byte(dev, AMD_ADDRESS_SETUP, &t); pci_read_config_dword(dev, AMD_DRIVE_TIMING, &v); pci_read_config_word(dev, AMD_8BIT_TIMING, &w); pci_read_config_dword(dev, AMD_UDMA_TIMING, &u);

for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { setup[i] = ((t >> ((3 - i) << 1)) & 0x3) + 1; recover8b[i] = ((w >> ((1 - (i >> 1)) << 3)) & 0xf) + 1; active8b[i] = ((w >> (((1 - (i >> 1)) << 3) + 4)) & 0xf) + 1; active[i] = ((v >> (((3 - i) << 3) + 4)) & 0xf) + 1; recover[i] = ((v >> ((3 - i) << 3)) & 0xf) + 1;

udma[i] = amd_udma2cyc[((u >> ((3 - i) << 3)) & 0x7)]; uen[i] = ((u >> ((3 - i) << 3)) & 0x40) ? 1 : 0; den[i] = (c & ((i & 1) ? 0x40 : 0x20) << ((i & 2) << 2));

if (den[i] && uen[i] && udma[i] == 1) { speed[i] = amd_clock * 3; cycle[i] = 666666 / amd_clock; continue; }

speed[i] = 4 * amd_clock / ((den[i] && uen[i]) ? udma[i] : (active[i] + recover[i]) * 2); cycle[i] = 1000000 * ((den[i] && uen[i]) ? udma[i] : (active[i] + recover[i]) * 2) / amd_clock / 2; }

amd_print_drive("Transfer Mode: ", "%10s", den[i] ? (uen[i] ? "UDMA" : "DMA") : "PIO");

amd_print_drive("Address Setup: ", "%8dns", 1000000 * setup[i] / amd_clock); amd_print_drive("Cmd Active: ", "%8dns", 1000000 * active8b[i] / amd_clock); amd_print_drive("Cmd Recovery: ", "%8dns", 1000000 * recover8b[i] / amd_clock); amd_print_drive("Data Active: ", "%8dns", 1000000 * active[i] / amd_clock); amd_print_drive("Data Recovery: ", "%8dns", 1000000 * recover[i] / amd_clock); amd_print_drive("Cycle Time: ", "%8dns", cycle[i]); amd_print_drive("Transfer Rate: ", "%4d.%dMB/s", speed[i] / 1000, speed[i] / 100 % 10);

return p - buffer; /* hoping it is less than 4K... */ }


/* * amd_set_speed() writes timing values to the chipset registers */

static void amd_set_speed(struct pci_dev *dev, unsigned char dn, struct ide_timing *timing) { unsigned char t;

pci_read_config_byte(dev, AMD_ADDRESS_SETUP, &t); t = (t & ~(3 << ((3 - dn) << 1))) | ((FIT(timing->setup, 1, 4) - 1) << ((3 - dn) << 1)); pci_write_config_byte(dev, AMD_ADDRESS_SETUP, t);

pci_write_config_byte(dev, AMD_8BIT_TIMING + (1 - (dn >> 1)), ((FIT(timing->act8b, 1, 16) - 1) << 4) | (FIT(timing->rec8b, 1, 16) - 1));

pci_write_config_byte(dev, AMD_DRIVE_TIMING + (3 - dn), ((FIT(timing->active, 1, 16) - 1) << 4) | (FIT(timing->recover, 1, 16) - 1));

switch (amd_config->flags & AMD_UDMA) { case AMD_UDMA_33: t = timing->udma ? (0xc0 | (FIT(timing->udma, 2, 5) - 2)) : 0x03; break; case AMD_UDMA_66: t = timing->udma ? (0xc0 | amd_cyc2udma[FIT(timing->udma, 2, 10)]) : 0x03; break; case AMD_UDMA_100: t = timing->udma ? (0xc0 | amd_cyc2udma[FIT(timing->udma, 1, 10)]) : 0x03; break; default: return; }

pci_write_config_byte(dev, AMD_UDMA_TIMING + (3 - dn), t); }

/* * amd_set_drive() computes timing values configures the drive and * the chipset to a desired transfer mode. It also can be called * by upper layers. */

static int amd_set_drive(ide_drive_t *drive, unsigned char speed) { ide_drive_t *peer = HWIF(drive)->drives + (~drive->dn & 1); struct ide_timing t, p; int T, UT;

if (speed != XFER_PIO_SLOW && speed != drive->current_speed) if (ide_config_drive_speed(drive, speed)) printk(KERN_WARNING "ide%d: Drive %d didn't accept speed setting. Oh, well.\n", drive->dn >> 1, drive->dn & 1);

T = 1000000000 / amd_clock; UT = T / min_t(int, max_t(int, amd_config->flags & AMD_UDMA, 1), 2);

ide_timing_compute(drive, speed, &t, T, UT);

if (peer->present) { ide_timing_compute(peer, peer->current_speed, &p, T, UT); ide_timing_merge(&p, &t, &t, IDE_TIMING_8BIT); }

if (speed == XFER_UDMA_5 && amd_clock <= 33333) t.udma = 1;

amd_set_speed(HWIF(drive)->pci_dev, drive->dn, &t);

if (!drive->init_speed) drive->init_speed = speed; drive->current_speed = speed;

return 0; }

/* * amd74xx_tune_drive() is a callback from upper layers for * PIO-only tuning. */

static void amd74xx_tune_drive(ide_drive_t *drive, unsigned char pio) { if (!((amd_enabled >> HWIF(drive)->channel) & 1)) return;

if (pio == 255) { amd_set_drive(drive, ide_find_best_mode(drive, XFER_PIO | XFER_EPIO)); return; }

amd_set_drive(drive, XFER_PIO_0 + min_t(byte, pio, 5)); }


/* * amd74xx_dmaproc() is a callback from upper layers that can do * a lot, but we use it for DMA/PIO tuning only, delegating everything * else to the default ide_dmaproc(). */

int amd74xx_dmaproc(ide_dma_action_t func, ide_drive_t *drive) {

if (func == ide_dma_check) {

short w80 = HWIF(drive)->udma_four;

short speed = ide_find_best_mode(drive, XFER_PIO | XFER_EPIO | XFER_MWDMA | XFER_UDMA | ((amd_config->flags & AMD_BAD_SWDMA) ? 0 : XFER_SWDMA) | (w80 && (amd_config->flags & AMD_UDMA) >= AMD_UDMA_66 ? XFER_UDMA_66 : 0) | (w80 && (amd_config->flags & AMD_UDMA) >= AMD_UDMA_100 ? XFER_UDMA_100 : 0));

amd_set_drive(drive, speed);

func = (HWIF(drive)->autodma && (speed & XFER_MODE) != XFER_PIO) ? ide_dma_on : ide_dma_off_quietly; }

return ide_dmaproc(func, drive); }


/* * The initialization callback. Here we determine the IDE chip type * and initialize its drive independent registers. */

unsigned int __init pci_init_amd74xx(struct pci_dev *dev, const char *name) { unsigned char t; unsigned int u; int i;

/* * Find out what AMD IDE is this. */

for (amd_config = amd_ide_chips; amd_config->id; amd_config++) { pci_read_config_byte(dev, PCI_REVISION_ID, &t); if (dev->device == amd_config->id && t >= amd_config->rev) break; }

if (!amd_config->id) { printk(KERN_WARNING "AMD_IDE: Unknown AMD IDE Chip %#x, disabling DMA.\n", dev->device); return -ENODEV; }

/* * Check 80-wire cable presence. */

switch (amd_config->flags & AMD_UDMA) {

case AMD_UDMA_100: pci_read_config_byte(dev, AMD_CABLE_DETECT, &t); amd_80w = ((u & 0x3) ? 1 : 0) | ((u & 0xc) ? 2 : 0); for (i = 24; i >= 0; i -= 8) if (((u >> i) & 4) && !(amd_80w & (1 << (1 - (i >> 4))))) { printk(KERN_WARNING "AMD_IDE: Bios didn't set cable bits corectly. Enabling workaround.\n"); amd_80w |= (1 << (1 - (i >> 4))); } break;

case AMD_UDMA_66: pci_read_config_dword(dev, AMD_UDMA_TIMING, &u); for (i = 24; i >= 0; i -= 8) if ((u >> i) & 4) amd_80w |= (1 << (1 - (i >> 4))); break; }

pci_read_config_dword(dev, AMD_IDE_ENABLE, &u); amd_enabled = ((u & 1) ? 2 : 0) | ((u & 2) ? 1 : 0);

/* * Take care of prefetch & postwrite. */

pci_read_config_byte(dev, AMD_IDE_CONFIG, &t); pci_write_config_byte(dev, AMD_IDE_CONFIG, (amd_config->flags & AMD_BAD_FIFO) ? (t & 0x0f) : (t | 0xf0));

/* * Determine the system bus clock. */

amd_clock = system_bus_speed * 1000;

switch (amd_clock) { case 33000: amd_clock = 33333; break; case 37000: amd_clock = 37500; break; case 41000: amd_clock = 41666; break; }

if (amd_clock < 20000 || amd_clock > 50000) { printk(KERN_WARNING "AMD_IDE: User given PCI clock speed impossible (%d), using 33 MHz instead.\n", amd_clock); printk(KERN_WARNING "AMD_IDE: Use ide0=ata66 if you want to assume 80-wire cable\n"); amd_clock = 33333; }

/* * Print the boot message. */

pci_read_config_byte(dev, PCI_REVISION_ID, &t); printk(KERN_INFO "AMD_IDE: %s (rev %02x) %s controller on pci%s\n", dev->name, t, amd_dma[amd_config->flags & AMD_UDMA], dev->slot_name);

/* * Register /proc/ide/amd74xx entry */

#ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS if (!amd74xx_proc) { amd_base = pci_resource_start(dev, 4); bmide_dev = dev; amd74xx_display_info = &amd_get_info; amd74xx_proc = 1; } #endif

return 0; }

unsigned int __init ata66_amd74xx(ide_hwif_t *hwif) { return ((amd_enabled & amd_80w) >> hwif->channel) & 1; }

void __init ide_init_amd74xx(ide_hwif_t *hwif) { int i;

hwif->tuneproc = &amd74xx_tune_drive; hwif->speedproc = &amd_set_drive; hwif->autodma = 0;

for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { hwif->drives[i].io_32bit = 1; hwif->drives[i].unmask = 1; hwif->drives[i].autotune = 1; hwif->drives[i].dn = hwif->channel * 2 + i; }

#ifdef CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDEDMA if (hwif->dma_base) { hwif->highmem = 1; hwif->dmaproc = &amd74xx_dmaproc; #ifdef CONFIG_IDEDMA_AUTO if (!noautodma) hwif->autodma = 1; #endif } #endif /* CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDEDMA */ }

/* * We allow the BM-DMA driver only work on enabled interfaces. */

void __init ide_dmacapable_amd74xx(ide_hwif_t *hwif, unsigned long dmabase) { if ((amd_enabled >> hwif->channel) & 1) ide_setup_dma(hwif, dmabase, 8); }

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