Race in pagevec code

Christian Ehrhardt (ehrhardt@mathematik.uni-ulm.de)
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 17:45:35 +0200


the following could explain Ooops reports which
BUG_ON(page->pte.chain != NULL) and possibly others. The kernel I'm
talking about is 2.5.31+akpm-everything.gz but others might be
affected as well:

Summary: Don't try to work with page_count == 0.
Don't hold references to a page that don't count towards
the page count.

Processor 1 Processor 2
refill_inactive grabs a page with
page_count == 1 from the lru.
__pagevec_release tries to release
the same page with page_count == 1
and does put_page_test_zero
bringing the page_count to 0
(No spinlocks involved!)

Interrupt or preempt or something
else that gives the other processor
some time.

refill_inactive calls page_cache_get
bringing the page_count back to 1
(this should ring some alarm bells)

refill_inactive continues all the way
down until it calls __pagevec_release

__pagevec_release calls put_page_test_zero
bringing the count back to 0

Both processors succeeded in bringing the page_count to zero,
i.e. both processors will add the page to their own

actually frees the page and reallocates
it to a new process which immediatly
sets page->pte.chain to something useful.

actully frees the page and sees
BUGs on page->pte.chain beeing
non zero.

Depending on what the new process does with the page this may also
explain other Ooopses on one of the BUGs in free_pages_ok as well.
Also it probably isn't necessarily a pagevec only BUG. I think
__page_cache_release has very much the same Problem:

Processor 1 Processor 2
page_cache_release frees a page
still on a lru list brining the
page count to to 0.
=> Interrupt to make the timeing

Grabs page from lru list
and temporarily increments
page_count back to 1.
BUG_ON(page_count(page) != 0)
in __page_cache_release.

I don't have a fix but I think the only real solution is to
increment the page count if a page is on a lru list. After all
this is a reference to the page.

regards Christian Ehrhardt

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