[2.4.19] [2.4.20-pre6] loop.c memory allocation & freeing problem

Yann E. MORIN (yann.morin.1998@anciens.enib.fr)
Thu, 12 Sep 2002 22:28:29 +0200

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Hi All!

I think I've spotted a bug in the initialisation procedure in the loop driver,
@line 1027-1060, when there is allocation failure:

----BEGIN CODE----
loop_dev = kmalloc(max_loop * sizeof(struct loop_device), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!loop_dev)
return -ENOMEM;

loop_sizes = kmalloc(max_loop * sizeof(int), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!loop_sizes)
goto out_sizes;

loop_blksizes = kmalloc(max_loop * sizeof(int), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!loop_blksizes)
goto out_blksizes;


----END CODE----

Two problems arise there:
1) Should allocation of loop_sizes fail, we'll try to free loop_sizes that
was NOT allocated (no problem because kfree does not free a NULL pointer).
But not very clean...

2) Should allocation of loop_blksizes fail, loop_dev will NOT be freed.
That one looks more problematic.

Am I wrong? Have I missed something? Anyway it's been there for ages, I

Patch is very straigthforward, and is attached : swap the last 2 pairs of
lines, so that out_blksizes is before out_sizes, and kfree(loop_sizes is
before kfree(loop_dev).

Please CC: answers and comments as I'm no longer subscribed.


|  Yann E. MORIN  | Real-Time Embedded | /"\ ASCII RIBBON | Erics' conspiracy: |
|  0 662 376 056  | Software  Designer | \ / CAMPAIGN     |  ___               |
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| web: ymorin.free.fr | SETI@home  433 | / \ HTML MAIL    |   v   conspiracy.  |

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