Re: New BK License Problem?

Jeff Garzik (
Sun, 06 Oct 2002 05:00:59 -0400

Ulrich Drepper wrote:
> That's not what I was talking about. It is not possible anymore to use
> the same process we did. It is not possible anymore to react right away
> on "Linus checked the patch in; try it.".

Whatever. In the past, it was completely impossible, because Linus did
not post his tree. You had to wait, sometimes several days, for a
pre-patch in order to see a patch Linus "checked in." And even then,
you were required to pick apart the prepatch to dig out the specific
change(s) you are interested in.

BK has actually made this _possible_, since you can now see (even
without BK) Linus's tree as it gets updated throughout each day.
Individual csets or full patches against point releases. This is a much
more fine grain than in the past.

> You mentioned rsync to replicate the archive and then use CSSC. Would
> be fine with me. But: knowing how to set up rsync would probably
> require me to look at all the bk infrastructure and mechanisms more than
> I had to do in the whole time I was using bk the check out sources and
> while doing this I probably once again violate your license.

Instead of ranting, asking a simple question would have gotten you the
simple answer (given by DaveM). Man, when you make an assumption, you
go all out... I bet the Microsoft PR department could put your FUD
skills to good use.


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