Re: [PATCH] async poll for 2.5

Dan Kegel (
Tue, 15 Oct 2002 11:53:48 -0700

Shailabh Nagar wrote:
> Are there any performance numbers for F_SETSIG/F_SETOWN/SIGIO on 2.5 ?

I don't recall any. (I suppose I should get off my butt and start
running 2.5.)

> Does it scale with the number of active connections too ?

The overhead is probably mostly linear with activity, I don't know.

> Signal-per-fd seems to be a decent alternative (from the measurements on
> Davide's /dev/epoll page) but Vitaly Luban's patch for that isn't available
> for 2.5 so I'm not sure what other issues it might have.

Seems like the thing to do is to move /dev/epoll over to use
Ben's event system rather than worry about the old /dev/epoll interface.
But like signal-per-fd, we will want to collapse readiness events,
which is something Ben's event system might not do naturally.
(I wouldn't know -- I haven't actually looked at Ben's code.)

- Dan
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