Re: [PATCH] fix slab allocator for non zero boot cpu

Manfred Spraul (
Tue, 05 Nov 2002 23:24:15 +0100

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Anton Blanchard wrote:

>The slab allocator doesnt initialise ->array for all cpus. This means
>we fail to boot on a machine with boot cpu != 0. I was testing current
>2.5 BK.
>Luckily Rusty was at hand to explain the ins and outs of initialisers
>to me. Manfred, does this look OK to you?
I don't like the patch - it removes the safety net.

initarray_cache is __initdata, and is replaced with actual data after
the kmalloc caches work, but only for the cpu that performed the
bootstrap (end of kmem_cache_sizes_init())

With your patch, the pointer to the head arrays of the other cpus still
point to an __initdata variable. It's even oopsable, if a
CPU_ONLINE_PREPARE is failed by another subsystem.

What about the attached patch?


--------------020309080904050100050904 Content-Type: application/x-java-applet;version=1.1.1; name="patch-other" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="patch-other"

LS0tIGxrLm9yaWcvbW0vc2xhYi5jCVR1ZSBOb3YgIDUgMjE6MTc6NDYgMjAwMgorKysgbGsv bW0vc2xhYi5jCVR1ZSBOb3YgIDUgMjE6MTg6MzggMjAwMgpAQCAtNDM3LDcgKzQzNyw2IEBA CiAvKiBpbnRlcm5hbCBjYWNoZSBvZiBjYWNoZSBkZXNjcmlwdGlvbiBvYmpzICovCiBzdGF0 aWMga21lbV9jYWNoZV90IGNhY2hlX2NhY2hlID0gewogCS5saXN0cwkJPSBMSVNUM19JTklU KGNhY2hlX2NhY2hlLmxpc3RzKSwKLQkuYXJyYXkJCT0geyBbMF0gPSAmaW5pdGFycmF5X2Nh Y2hlLmNhY2hlIH0sCiAJLmJhdGNoY291bnQJPSAxLAogCS5saW1pdAkJPSBCT09UX0NQVUNB Q0hFX0VOVFJJRVMsCiAJLm9ianNpemUJPSBzaXplb2Yoa21lbV9jYWNoZV90KSwKQEAgLTU5 Nyw2ICs1OTYsNyBAQAogCWluaXRfTVVURVgoJmNhY2hlX2NoYWluX3NlbSk7CiAJSU5JVF9M SVNUX0hFQUQoJmNhY2hlX2NoYWluKTsKIAlsaXN0X2FkZCgmY2FjaGVfY2FjaGUubmV4dCwg JmNhY2hlX2NoYWluKTsKKwljYWNoZV9jYWNoZS5hcnJheVtzbXBfcHJvY2Vzc29yX2lkKCld ID0gJmluaXRhcnJheV9jYWNoZS5jYWNoZTsKIAogCWNhY2hlX2VzdGltYXRlKDAsIGNhY2hl X2NhY2hlLm9ianNpemUsIDAsCiAJCQkmbGVmdF9vdmVyLCAmY2FjaGVfY2FjaGUubnVtKTsK


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