RE: A Kernel Configuration Tale of Woe

LA Walsh (
Thu, 28 Nov 2002 14:09:33 -0800

I thought arrogance was almost a prerequisite for being a Linux kernel

Seriously, if one is working on a project for which you are the highest
authority, then in your world, you are the center of your knowledge.
other knowledge or view is somehow less important. Trivializing and
marginalizing people with other views becomes standard practice. When
think you know so much, you can't even begin to take on another's view
for the sake of understanding. Instead, all you can do is tear them
To even begin to try to understand takes great courage to *risk* being
wrong. If you are identified with your work, then any questioning about
the 'standard way of doing things' is an immediate threat that is to be
eliminated, expeditiously. The strength of reaction is a gauge to the
arrogant person's level of fear.

Some folks focus on the technology rather than identifying with it and
are actually
decent, reasonable people you can have a discussion with. Others are so
of themselves as to label dissenters as 'dangerous' people who shouldn't
be allowed
to share their opinions. One of the more ironic, self-evident
remarks a senior kernel contributor made: "they don't let their
ignorance get
in the way of their opinions". Ain't it the truth.

It's when we shut our minds that we become ignorant.


> From: Andrew Walrond
> The attitude of *some* people (even those considered senior)
> in this and other mailing lists is down right shameful.
> Anybody who are genuinely trying to help, contribute or just get
> involved all too often have their efforts publicly belittled.
> Polite criticism and guidance is always the better option and
> encourages people to join in rather than frightening them off.
> Arrogance (Ar"ro*gance) (#), n.
> [F., fr. L. arrogantia, fr. arrogans. See Arrogant.]

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