Re: GPL and Nvidia

David Schwartz (
Thu, 2 Jan 2003 12:48:06 -0800

On Thu, 2 Jan 2003 12:21:59 -0500 (EST), Gerhard Mack wrote:

>There are strong reasons why GPL is a good thing and I prefer it to BSD.
>IMO GPL makes it easier to add code to a common base without risking
>someone taking the code and adding code+theircode and releasing a
>proprietary competing project what's always 3 steps ahead of the open
>source version. For all the complaints it gets the GPL does what it's
>designed to do and that's a good thing.

I don't understand why making proprietary software better and cheaper than
it would otherwise be is a bad thing.

It will be better because it will have a stronger base to build on. It will
be cheaper both because it will be easier to construct and because it will
have to compete with free software that is more similar to it.

And, believe it or not, free software benefits as much from competition as
proprietary software does.


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