Re: Using lilo to boot off any drive ...

Werner Almesberger (
Sun, 12 Jan 2003 19:57:41 -0300

Manish Lachwani wrote:
> When the control is transferred to lilo on sda (sdb
> actually), is there a way for me to boot off sdd now
> (which was previously sde)? I mean, is there any way
> that lilo can load the appropriate kernel image?

You could have two independent installations of LILO, one on
sda, and one on sdb, where the latter accesses no files from
sda and defines the disk numbers (for the BIOS) the way they
look when sda is removed.

Then, you probably want to rename /sbin/lilo to /sbin/lilo.bin
or such, and write a script /sbin/lilo that generates the
modified lilo.conf files, and updates both instances of LILO.

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, Buenos Aires, Argentina /
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