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Con Kolivas (conman@kolivas.net)
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 11:43:26 +1100

Cannot allocate memory : fork error with 2.5.5x

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Since moving contest (http://contest.kolivas.net) to c I get an error trying to
fork with all 2.5 kernels I try after running it on the 6th load. The error does
not occur with any 2.4 kernels. I have confirmed it is still present on 2.5.58.

To reproduce the problem:
Run the latest version of contest without arguments (0.61pre) and after
no_load,cacherun,process_load,ctar_load,xtar_load and io_load it bombs out with:
bmark.c:43: SYSTEM ERROR: Cannot allocate memory : fork error

This is not an application error and does not occur with 2.4.x kernels. It
happens every time and with all 2.5 kernels I have tried. I can start contest
again without problems after each error and eventually will run into the same error.

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