2.4.20 kernel modules will not load

Larry (larrywyb@larry.yi.org)
Fri, 17 Jan 2003 23:40:27 -0600

I just finished (a couple hours ago) building the 2.4.20 kernel
and modules and find that none of the modules will load.
Every one gives unresolved symbols errors and fails.

I tried building again, no luck, so I installed a newer version
of modutils ver 2.4.9 and rebuilt again with no luck. I checked
the locations of modprobe, insmod and so on and made sure to
put them in the normal place for my system which is /sbin.
I also upgraded to make-3.79.1 and gcc-3.2.1.

Everything builds and installs fine but none of the modules will

Does anyone have any idea what may be the problem here? I searched
the list archives and read about mod-init-tools, is this the same as
modutils? Will this cure the problem? And where do I get this?

My system is Slackware 8.1
Here is the routine I follow to build kernels;

make menuconfig
make dep
make clean
make bzImage
make modules
make modules_install
copy System.map
copy over the bzImage
edit lilo.conf
run lilo

Please CC my personal address as well as the list.
Thanks you.


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