Re: sendfile support in linux

Gianni Tedesco (
28 Jan 2003 09:32:05 +0000

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On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 01:45, Stanley Yee wrote:
> I'm trying to find out more about sendfile(2). So far, from what I've
> gathered, it sounds like the requirements for it are (please correct me i=
> I'm wrong):
> 1. A kernel with sendfile support (i.e. 2.4.X)
> 2. A network card capable of doing the TCP checksum in the hardware
> 3. The application must support sendfile=20

Those are the user requirements yes. Of course the programmer only needs
to assume (1) to start writing applications. Oh and its probably worth

4. You can't do zero-copy receive.

> Do you know what applications support zerocopy (sendfile)? I noticed tha=
t a
> zerocopy NFS patch was added to the 2.5.x tree. Does the 2.4.X NFS daemo=
> support zerocopy? Does samba support zerocopy and if so what version?

Samba, tux2, apache?, all the big stuff.

Dunno about NFS.

// Gianni Tedesco (gianni at scaramanga dot co dot uk)
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