ramfs as root filesystem

Gianni Trevisti (gianni.trevisti@consulenti.fastweb.it)
07 Feb 2003 17:08:32 +0100

Hi all,

I'm trying to mount ramfs as rootdisk in a 2.4.19 based SetTopBox:
- the filesystem is loaded using etherboot
- then using linuxrc I mount a ramfs in /ramfs, expand the STB
filesystem in it and then I should use /ramfs as my root filesystem.
I think I should modify the mount_root() function in order to
sys_chdir("/ramfs") but in that case I'm not able to unmount the initrd
ext2 filesystem, and so I loose a lot of memory!

Using kernel 2.4.0 there was a patch to perform this task, but it is not
apply anymore to the current kernel tree.

Thanks in advance for any help :-)

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