RE: openbkweb-0.0

Nicolas Mailhot (
16 Feb 2003 11:36:05 +0100

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Le sam 15/02/2003 =E0 21:42, a =E9crit :
> The amazing thing to me is that I don't see Larry making any threats. It=
> more like pleading "Please let us continue to do this great thing, and do=
> torpedo my company out of some misguided idea that BK should be free just
> because you don't want to have to pay for it."

Larry is asking for assurances he obviously can't get, else he'll
regrettably have to do [lots of things generally frown upon in the

Which is why I advised him to cool down (despite me being in position to
profit from a free bk clone creation like lots of other people). It's
painful to see him feed the flamewars after all the good work he's done.
And i'm sure that being the smart guy he is, he knows it. He just can't
help himself:(.


Nicolas Mailhot

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