Re: Ptrace hole / Linux 2.2.25

Martin Mares (
Sun, 23 Mar 2003 20:25:03 +0100

Hi Jeff!

> I think you misunderstand my point: there was a patch posted which
> fixes the ptrace issue. If you want to fix your kernel, there are two
> options: either you are capable enough apply that patch yourself,
> otherwise get a kernel update from a vendor.

Sorry, but you seem to forget that a significant amount of people use kernels, but don't monitor LKML nor are able to choose from
the various patches floating there the most appropriate fix.

If 2.4.21 were expected in a few days, it would make sense to delay the
fix, but this doesn't seem to be the case, so I think that a hot-fix
really should be released quickly (either as or 2.4.21)

> As for Alan, his task was easier: Guess how many patches are in 2.2.25?
> One. ;-)

And why couldn't it be the same for 2.4.21?

Have a nice fortnight

Martin `MJ' Mares   <>
Faculty of Math and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Rep., Earth
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