re: Ptrace hole / Linux 2.2.25

Tomas Szepe (
Sun, 23 Mar 2003 21:09:56 +0100

> []
> Yes, I suspect he does as do most people here.

This sentence is ambiguous and one of its possible meanings is
"Most people do and Robert Love suspects Alan Cox does, too," which
is also probably what you meant. A bit strong a statement, don't you
think? How can you know the opinion of most people here?

As a sidenote, I consider it important to note that it's obvious
that if Alan were the 2.4 maintainer, we would likely have a 2.4.21
with the critical (and possibly other) fixes out and all the fancy
new stuff rescheduled for 2.4.22.

Tomas Szepe <>
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