Unable to turn paging on!!

Wed, 26 Mar 2003 13:23:17 -0600

I tweaked the kernel and boot loader to load the kernel at 0xdf000000, physical address. I did the following changes to setup the initial page table.

However during boot, in arch/i386/kernel/head.S when the paging bit is set
movl %eax,%cr0 /* ..and set paging (PG) bit */

My computer hangs!!

Any idea why??


.org 0x1000
.fill 0x37c,4,0
.long 0xdf002007
.long 0xdf003007
.fill 0x2,4,0
/* default: 766 entries */
.long 0xdf002007
.long 0xdf003007
/* default: 254 entries */
.fill 0x7e,4,0

* The page tables are initialized to only 8MB here - the final page
* tables are set up later depending on memory size.
.org 0x2000

.org 0x3000


* Initialize page tables
movl $pg0-__PAGE_OFFSET,%edi /* initialize page tables */
movl $007,%eax /* "007" doesn't mean with right to kill, but
addl $0xdf000000,%eax
2: stosl
add $0x1000,%eax
cmp $empty_zero_page-__PAGE_OFFSET,%edi
jne 2b

* Enable paging
movl $swapper_pg_dir-__PAGE_OFFSET,%eax
movl %eax,%cr3 /* set the page table pointer.. */
movl %cr0,%eax
orl $0x80000000,%eax
movl %eax,%cr0 /* ..and set paging (PG) bit */ ---------------- Fails here
jmp 1f /* flush the prefetch-queue */

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