Re: Wanted: a limit on kernel log buffer size

Randy.Dunlap (
Sun, 6 Apr 2003 19:49:08 -0700 (PDT)

> Some people (who will mercifully go unnamed) just will _not_
> read the documentation, and set the kernel log buffer shift
> to 31 on a 256MB machine. This attempt to allocate 2GB of memory
> for the buffer results in an unbootable kernel.
> Suggestions?

This is a multi-part answer. Say, 5 parts.

a. If someone won't read the help text, how can we help them?

b. If we make a 2 GB log buffer size a compile-time error, will
they read that?

c. If we make it a compile-time warning, will they read that?

d. What limit(s) do you suggest? I can try to add some limits.

e. This kind of config limiting should be done in the config system IMO.
I've asked Roman for that capability....


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