RE: kernel support for non-english user messages

Chuck Ebbert (
Thu, 10 Apr 2003 16:54:53 -0400

>> How about changing the way printk works, so that instead of
>> combining the format string, it just "prints" its args:
>> printk("%s: name %p is %d\n", name, ptr, val);
>> results in the following in the kernel buffer:
>> "%s: name %p is %d\n", "stringval", 0x4790243, 44
> Debugging a non-klogd enabled kernel would be a pain

Why? Shouldn't it be easy to fix dmesg so it unmangles the output?

The real problem I see is that this approach doesn't make it any
easier to translate the messages.

Maybe someone should just try to write a Babelfish-like thing that
takes English kernel-speak and translates it as best it can? It would
at least be amusing to read the output. :)

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