Re: Bug: slab corruption in 2.5.67-mm1

Joshua Kwan (
Sat, 12 Apr 2003 16:24:25 -0700

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On Sat, Apr 12, 2003 at 03:05:22PM -0700, J Sloan wrote:
> I had run 2.5.67-mm1 for some days and for
> the most part it ran well in it's duties as dns,
> squid, vpn/firewall and postfix server, with
> the only oddity being the ide messages which
> I reported earlier.

You're insane running a -mm kernel on a production machine, IMHO.
They're good for desktop use but in my experience anything that needs to
stay up for more than a few days should at LEAST use one of the
stability-oriented patches like -mjb or -osdl, if not the vanilla

2.5-mm typically goes nuts with such errors as you described after a
few days of uptime, as far as I've seen and noticed. These bugs will
probably eventually be fixed, but at this time, it's still unstable.

I wouldn't run anything above 2.4.20 on a box that does what you


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