Re: How did the Spelling Police miss this one?

Alan Cox (
24 Apr 2003 20:08:40 +0100

On Iau, 2003-04-24 at 04:53, Miles Bader wrote:
> (Johannes Ruscheinski) writes:
> > As far as I know there is no such words as "canonicalize" in the English
> > language.
> Call it a neologism; it's quite widely used among programmers, anyway.
> > The proper word seems to be "canonize".
> Um, no -- that means `to make a saint.'

Means both. Its actually common Unixism since 1970's and probably pre
unix too. Even the tty layer enshrines it (there another reused
religious word 8)) - the normal mode is ICANON

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