Re: Simple x86 Simulator (was: Re: Flame Linus to a crisp!)

Timothy Miller (
Fri, 25 Apr 2003 11:38:03 -0400

Steven Augart wrote:

> We could not. Consider just the 8 32-bit-wide legacy x86 registers,
> excluding the MMX and FPU registers:
> (AX, BX, CX, DX, BP, SI, DI, SP). 32 bits x 8 = 2^256 independent
> states to look up in the table, each state having 256 bits of
> information. 2^264 total bits of information needed. Assume 1 GB
> dimms (2^30 * 8 bits each = 2^33 bits of info), with a volume of 10
> cm^3 per DIMM (including a tiny amount of space for air circulation.).
> Need 34508731733952818937173779311385127262255544860851932776 cubic
> kilometers of space.
> Considerably larger than the volume of the earth, although admittedly
> smaller than the total volume of the universe.
> --Steven Augart

If this could be done, someone would have done it already.

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