Must-fix cursor bugs

Pavel Machek (
Tue, 8 Jul 2003 12:43:24 +0200


There are few must-fix bugs in cursor handling:

echo -e '\33[?8c'

...should turn block cursor on on current console. It does so, but if
you switch to another console, block cursor appears there too, and/or
it reverts to line cursor on original console.

echo -e "\33[?18;0;136c"

...should turn on softcursor (see
Documentation/VGA-softcursor.txt). It does turn it on, but it fails to
erase it once cursor moves! [Type foo in bash, then press backspace
three times].

Play with gpm selection for a while and your cursor gets corrupted
with random dots. Ouch.

When do you have a heart between your knees?
[Johanka's followup: and *two* hearts?]
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