Helsingin yliopisto Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos

Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos

Tietoa laitoksesta:


Guest lecture

Professor Jürgen Eickel

Technical University of Munchen, Germany

Generating document processors and user interfaces
with compiler-generation methods.

Date Friday October 24th 1997
Department of Computer Science
Teollisuuskatu 23 room A414 (4th floor)
Time 14.15 - 15.30


Compiler generation is usually based on specification by attribute grammars. By generalization of this specification framework also document processing systems and user interfaces can be automatically generated from high declarative specifications.

Document architecture should strongly separate between (logical) source- structure and layout-structure. Both can be independently specified by different attribute grammars. The transformation from logical to layout-structure is loosely specified by layout-relations.

Model based generative tools for user interface design can also use attribute grammars for the specification of their static part. In order to specify the dynamic behaviour these concepts have to be generalized to dynamic attribute grammars with an additional concept for event handling.

The lecture introduces basic underlying ideas and the architecture of our system AGENDA for generation of document processors and our system BOSS for generation of user interfaces.

You are welcome

Martti Tienari