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Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos

PhD Thesis Work Presentations Start

The new series of PhD student talks start on Friday 7th of November at 12.15 - 13.15 in Exactum, B222. The presentations in the first session will be given by Michael Przybilski and Sini Ruohomaa.

Programme on 7.11.:
- Michael Przybilski: Context-aware, Component-based Software Systems
- Sini Ruohomaa: The effect of reputation on trust decisions in inter-enterprise collaborations - path towards a PhD thesis

About the series of PhD thesis work presentations:

The talks are 20-25 min each, and they will present work done so far, as well as a plan for completing the PhD thesis. The talks are intended for a general CS audience, and everyone is welcome to attend them!

The goals of this new series of talks are to improve awareness of research activities at the department, to give PhD students an opportunity to present their work a wider audience, and to support planning of PhD thesis work.

In the future, these public presentations will be scheduled roughly for the midpoint of PhD studies. The presentation is an obligatory part of PhD studies for all PhD students enrolled after 1 August 2008.

Formally, these public talks are part of the new PhD student seminar (http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/linden/teaching/phdstudentseminar08/) that started this autumn (other parts of the seminar program are intended for PhD students only). The seminar series continues on 23 January and 20 March, likely with new PhD thesis work presentations.
