Nordic Journal of Computing Bibliography

Maarit Harsu. Identifying Object-Oriented Features from Procedural Software. Nordic Journal of Computing, 7(2):126-142, Summer 2000.

When re-engineering non-object-oriented (procedural) programs into an object-oriented platform, the first step is to identify object-oriented features from procedural code. We are especially interested in how to find other object-oriented features besides objects. Such are, for example, inheritance and polymorphism. We introduce new methods to identify these features. The translation process into an object-oriented language exploits both re-engineering and language conversion methods. We discuss different approaches in language conversion, dividing language converters into source-driven and target-driven translators. We consider how these approaches are related to the identification of object-oriented features.

Categories and Subject Descriptors: D.2.7 [Software Engineering]: Distribution and Maintenance

Additional Key Words and Phrases: re-engineering, language conversion, object identification

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