Nordic Journal of Computing Bibliography

S. Schuierer. An O(log log n) time algorithm to compute the kernel of a polygon. Nordic Journal of Computing, 1(4):458-474, Winter 1994.

The kernel of a polygon P is the set of all points that see the interior of P. It can be computed as the intersection of the halfplanes that are to the left of the edges of P. We present an O(loglog n) time CRCW-PRAM algorithm using n/loglog n processors to compute a representation of the kernel of P that allows to answer point containment and line intersection queries efficiently. Our approach is based on computing a subsequence of the edges that are sorted by slope and contain the ``relevant'' edges for the kernel computation.

Categories and Subject Descriptors: F.2.2 [Analysis of Algorithms and Problem Complexity]: Nonnumerical Algorithms and Problems

Additional Key Words and Phrases: computational geometry, visibility, polygons, kernel

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