581257-8 Information retrieval methods - Exercises 9/2001 (11.4.)

Tasks marked with (**) will be counted as double tasks.
1. (the only (set of) tasks) In [1] there are many links to systems of visual information retrieval. Using these or other sources you should find examples of different techniques or experiences of using visual features in IR. (The link list may contain URLs not valid any more. I suppose that there are quite many left, however, and other sources should be available too (please, use IR ...).

In the exercise session (at 8:15 in A414) we will present some of these systems using demos when available. Students preparing short presentations will get bonus points (1 to 2 / system).


1. Staley, E. & Twidale, M., Graphical interfaces to support information search: An Annotated Bibliography. a href="http://alexia.lis.uiuc.edu/~twidale/irinterfaces/bib-main.html
