Tiedonhallinta I, syksy 1999, Exercise 11

Obs. These assignments will not be treated in any special exercise session. They will be shortly commented on lecture class , Dec. 9th.

1. Suppose that we have a schema R = (ABCDE) and a dependency set
	F = {AB -> C, CD -> E, E -> A}.

Is teh decomposition R1(ABDE), R2(ACD) lossless?

2. On page 364 in lecture notes we get the schemas EMP2, DEPT, WORKS_FOR
(as a final result of successive decompositions of EMP(SSN, BDATE,
DNUMBER, DGRSSN)). Give the arguments for the properties of the final
schemas (acyclic dependency set, decomposition is lossless (and
dependency-preserving), schemas in BCNF).