Data management I, Autumn 1999, Exercise 1 (27.-30.9.)

The minimum requirement for active attendance: 4 tasks done

The purpose of this exercise session is simply to repeat some basic
database issues and especially the SQL query language. For SQL, see the
textbook, Oracle manual etc. The SQL exercises concern the database
described in E&N, page 146.

1. Explain the meaning of the following SQL query.

select x.LNAME, y.LNAME
where x.SUPERSSN = y.SSN
union select x.LNAME, z.LNAME
where x.SUPERSSN = y.SSN and y.SUPERSSN = z.SSN.

2.  The SUPERSSN attribute of an employee tuple in the Company database
holds a null value if the employee in question has no supervisor or if a
supervisor has not yet been assigned.  Change the schema of the database
in such a way that null values are no longer needed in this case.  How
will this change affect the queries issued against the database?

3.  Two queries Q1 and Q2 are equivalent if their answers are always the
same, that is, for each allowed state (instance) D of the database, the
answer to Q1 on D is the same as the answer to Q2 on D. 

a) Are the following queries equivalent?

select dp.DEPENDENT\_NAME from DEPENDENT dp where dp.SEX = 'F'.
where dp.SEX = 'F' and e.SSN = dp.ESSN.

b) Are the following queries equivalent?

select d.DNAME from DEPARTMENT d.
select d.DNAME from DEPARTMENT d, EMPLOYEE e where d.DNUMBER = e.DNO. 

4.  Write SQL queries for printing
a) the names of employees working at the Administration department;
b) the names and addresses of those working for projects of
Administration department;
c) employees with no children.

5.  Write SQL queries for printing
a) the employees that work on some projects;
b) the employees that work on no project. 

6.  Write SQL queries for printing
a) the employees that work on exactly two projects;
b) the departments that have several locations. 

7.  Write an SQL query for printing the weekly labor cost of the
projects.  Suppose: salary is for one month (4 weeks), 1 week = 40

8.  The system catalog (metadata) of an Oracle database contains tables
ALL_CONSTRAINTS and ALL_CONS_COLUMNS that are used to represent the
integrity constraints defined on the tables accessible to the user and
the columns associated with those constraints.  Examine the structure of
the tables, that is, what columns there are.  Also write an SQL query in
order to find out what columns belong to the primary key of the table
OPS$SIPPU.DEPENDENT.  The constraint type of a primary key is 'P'.