Data management I, Autumn 1999, Exercise 7 (15.-18.11.)

The minimum requirement for active attendance: 3 tasks done

1. What kind of an operation sequence is included in a typical
online banking terminal transaction (a cash withdrawal)? We assume that
the card's verification code is checked locally (without a database) but
the accounts are managed by a database. Which exceptions there can
happen (concerning the transaction management)?

2.  Assume that the following records are found in the log file when the
system crashes:

100: [start, T1]
101: [start, T2]
102: [write, T1, A, 10, 20]
103: [write, T2, B, 11, 22]
104: [commit, T1]
105: [start, T3]
106: [write, T3, A, 20, 30]
107: [abort, T2]
108: [checkpoint]
109: [start, T4]
110: [write, T3, B, 11, 33]
111: [write, T3, A, 30, 40]
112: [write, T4, C, 15, 25]
113: [commit, T3]
114: [write, T4, C, 25, 35]

a) What recovery operations are needed? We assume that the PageLSN (page
log sequence number) field of the page containing data item A is 106,
the PageLSN for B is 110 and the PageLSN for C is 112. 

b) Let us assume that no checkpoint record (# 108) has been written. In
what phase of the log sequence the number of recovery operations needed
is largest?

3.  What are the advantages of write-ahead logging (WAL) protocol in
buffering ? Is this protocol necessary?

4.  Why are all undos performed in backward order, and all redos in
forward order, from the log? Give a concrete example describing the
significance of the backward/forward order.

5.  Assume that when the database management system is recovering from a
failure (that is, performing undo or redo operations), a new failure
occurs before the recovery from the old one is complete.  How is this
situation handled? Should one also record undos and redos in the log, so
that these could be "undone" or "redone"?

6.  What kind of a commit protocol should be used were it required that
no redos be necessary in recovery? What drawbacks there are with this