Gazillion Browser

Gazillion is a Gaze-to-Word mapping web browser for Wikipedia content and provides a search interface which allows the use of recorded eye-movement trajectories in implicit relevance feedback.

Gazillion browser is written in C# around .Net framework WebBrowser control, which provides Internet Explorer browser rendering engine. The browser software records the individual words the user looks at, for how many milliseconds and the amount of fixations the words have received. This information can be then sent to search server to provide implicit relevance feedback and used to improve search results. More details...

The client expects to find content formatted in a special manner, including named entities, JavaScript data structures and functions. This prototype uses modified Mediawiki parser engine and a theme to display wiki-formatted pages suitable for the Gazillion browser. More details...

The client software and changes to Mediawiki are Copyright (c) 2007 Helsinki Institute for Information Technology. Please send your comments to Janne Kataja. You can reach me from (replace firstname and lastname).