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581305-6 Computer Organization I, 2 cr

o Position in Curriculum

Undergraduate course in Computer Science. Obligatory for cl, elective for minor a.

o Course Prerequisites

Basic ideas in programming which are introduced in (e.g.) Java Programming class.

o Goal

Understand salient features of a Computer System from the executing program viewpoint: what are the computer system components and how they execute a given program. The emphasis is on the execution of one program at the (symbolic) assembly language level.

The assembly language level operation of a processor is viewed both in general as well as in operational level using a simple example machine (ttk-91), its (symbolic) assembly language, and simulator (KOKSI) that runs assembly language programs developed for that machine. We also look at the operating system role in the program execution.

o Methods for Achieving Credit

The course can be taken either as a lecture course, or as a final exam. The course is lectured (at least) every Spring (and also in the Summer by Open University)

The lecture course involves

The final exam can be taken in English, but you need to confirm this with the instructor after you have signed up for the exam.

o Course Material

o Contents
