Exercise 2

Course Registration System ("Ilmo 2.0")- first iteration

Current "ilmo" (http://ilmo.cs.helsinki.fi) is not very flexible. For the next 5 weeks, let's develop a radically different 2.0 version of it.

This might seem a bit boring exercise, but have you ever seen a course registration system with a newsfeed, where you can see in which courses your friends have planned to attend and "like" that? All students are also very familiar with it, so we should have a clear vision of required features.

Main new ideas (for the next 6 weeks):

At the end of this course, I would like to see something like this:

START working on ex3 at the exercise session, pair-programming!

Exercises (features to implement)

Required features

You should have these features implemented at the exercise session. You get 1 point for each implemented feature.

Optional features

You can select three of the following:

I want to become an expert (+1credit)