Some information about Me:
  • Real name: Seppo J.K. Hätönen
  • Born: 13.04.1978
  • Home: Laajalahti, Espoo.
  • Hobbies: Computers, Archery (Espoon Robin Hood ry.), Trekking (vaellus), Books (Sci-fi, fantasy mostly)
  • Studying: Computer science in the University of Helsinki
  • Military Rank: Corporal (reserve) Anti Aircraft
  • IRC: Karrde (!UCR7Kassembly mostly)

Some more information: (Note to self: rewrite this or something)

I was born in Espoo and I have lived here ever since. When I was seven years old, I started my school at Laajalahden ala-aste. After that it was Pohjois-Tapiolan Yläaste and then it was Pohjois-Tapiolan Lukio. (Sorry but I never remember English names for those).

After I graduated, I started studying in Espoo-Vantaa Institute of Technology. I studied there that fall, and 13.1.1998 I went to army (more about that later). After I got out of army, I continued studying there, but I had already reached conclusion that that place wasn't for me. I applied to University of Helsinki, got in, and started studying there at fall '99. My major at the moment is Mathematics, but I'm going to change it into Computer Science.

About my service in the Finnish Defense Forces: I started it 13.1.1998 at Helsingin Ilmatorjantarykmentti (HelItR). I was trained as cannon leader for 23 ITK 612 light AA cannon (ZSU-23-2) aka. "Sergei" here in Finland. At the end of my service (I was stationed at 2. Battery) we won annual AA shootings at Lohtaja (second time in a row).

About my hobbies... Mostly I spend my time with my computer, mostly playing and using Internet. I spend too much time in IRC and lately I've been playing Batmud. My nick in IRC is Karrde and I can be found from channels #powernet and !assembly (that channel isn't for assembler lanquage but for Assembly Party. Mostly I read fantasy and sci-fi books but also some other books slip in... Isaac Asimov (Foundation and Robots), J.R.R. Tolkien, Raymond Feist, Dan Simmons (Hyperion), Robert Jordan (Wheel of Time), Terry Pratchett and Tom Clancy (older books) are some of my favorite authors.

In anime&manga department, I have about 60 mangas and some GB's anime. Also my brother has around 40 mangas and my friends over 90 I think.. My best mangas are Nausicaä of The Valley of Wind and Battle Angel Alita. Also Masamune Shirow and Johji Manabe are good authors.

I will get my picture here someday, but since I had my eyes operated to remove my shortsightness (success I might add.. ;), all my pictures are out of date (newest is about seven years old).