Employees at the department have the phone number that is entered on the department’s web page and the university’s phonebook.

There are three alternatives for the phone number

  • 1) a mobile phone paid for by the university or department
    • The university mobile phone is automatically ordered for anyone employed for over 6 months.

      • the amanuensis and IT manager will handle exceptions

      • the department may acquire smartphones for principal investigators

  • 2) a mobile phone that looks like a landline phone (a desk mobile) in the office, shared by everyone in the office with a shared phone number

    • a shared desk mobile in larger group offices

      • can be ordered for other offices if

the employee does not want their own mobile, or

the employment contract is less than 6 months

    • 3) your own mobile number displayed on the department’s People page and the university’s phonebook

      • we need the employee’s permission to publish their own number

  • Employees may only use the university’s or department’s mobile phone for work-related calls.

    • it is not intended for private calls. The only exception to the rule is if there is an emergency and it is unavoidable to make the call during working hours.

    • Employees who want to use the mobile provided by the employer for private calls more generally can use a form to apply for special permission (a 151 contract), based on which employees are invoiced directly for private calls.

  • The default is that all phones are blocked from calling abroad.

    • you cannot call abroad or use the phones abroad

    • the block can be removed with the permission of your supervisor

  • Call forwarding from a university mobile to your own is not recommended because of the extra cost involved

    • however, it may be allowed in special circumstances (though not from shared desk mobiles)

  • At the end of en employment contract, the employee must return the phone to the amanuensis

    • employees are responsible for removing all personal information from the phone (such as personal settings, text messages, photos, etc).

    • the phone will be returned to factory settings and mobile phones that are in good condition can be given to the next new employee

  • The department has one ‘guest mobile’ for short-term visitors

    • telephone numbers: 51394, 0504480204

    • the host of the visitor can pick it up from the amanuensis. The host is also responsible for the mobile being returned when the visitor leaves

  • the HandyCall system will be used for monitoring phone expenses

    • if your monthly phone expenses repeatedly exceed 50€ per month, you will be asked to discuss it with your supervisor


For more details on phone use and contracts, please see Flamma.

29.01.2014 - 18:37 Teija E Kujala
29.01.2014 - 18:37 Teija E Kujala