Cinco: Collaborative and Interoperable Computing

Expert aspects

The following expert aspects represent each a skill required in professional work, and often, these skills are distributed to work roles still in very different patterns.
For each aspect, there will be a short description of what is intended to be learned, where the "grading points" are collectable, and what kind of tools and methods are intended to be used. The actual task descriptions are given within course exercise pages, cinco lab course pages, thesis definitions, etc.
  • Enterprise architecture modeling and analysis to help member organisations to improve their ecosystem participation;
  • Service oriented software engineering & Model driven engineering for producing software-based services into the ecosystems;
  • Business processes (orchestration, choreographies, modeling of, automation of, verification of, declarative processes, evolving processes) for producing collaboration types into the ecosystems;
  • Dynamic composition of services and management of such collaborations, especially in terms of interoperability, for utilising the multi-partner collaborations;
  • Building new or improved versions of ecosystem infrastructure services such as eContracting, monitoring, breach management, trust and reputation management, ESBs, open bindings and binding factories); and
  • Building new or improved version of service-oriented software engineering tools.
03.09.2013 - 13:55 Mohsen Koolaji
19.08.2013 - 14:12 Lea Kutvonen