58093 String Processing Algorithms (luonnos 22.12.2014)

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Sets of strings
  • reads and writes pseudocode
  • describes basic ideas and time complexities of binary searching, balanced binary search trees, hashing and some sorting algorithms
  • describes basic ideas and time complexities of several string sorting algorithms and data structures for storing a set of strings
  • simulates several string sorting algorithms and draws data structures for storing a set of strings
  • describes general techniques for designing comparison-based algorithms or data structures for strings
  • proves simple results on longest common prefixes
  • applies the general techniques to design nontrivial comparison based algorithms and data structures for strings
  • implements string sorting algorithms and data structures for sets of strings
Exact string matching
  • derives worst case time and space complexities of simple algorithms and describes the meaning of average case time complexity
  • describes the language recognized by simple deterministic and nondeterministic finite automata
  • describes basic ideas and time complexities of several exact string matching algorithms
  • simulates simple exact string matching algorithms and draws Morris-Pratt and Aho-Corasick automata
  • proves correctness and time complexities of simple exact string matching algorithms
  • chooses the approriate exact string matching algorithm for a given situation
  • adapts exact string matching algorithms to solve related problems such as multiple exact string matching and string matching with don't-cares
  • implements exact string matching algorithms that are competitive with the best implementations
  • analyzes average case complexities of exact string matching algorithms
Approximate string matching
  • explains simple induction proofs
  • describes the basic recurrences for edit distance computation and approximate string matching
  • computes edit distance and solves approximate string matching by filling the dynamic programming table
  • describes the basic ideas of several faster algorithms for approximate string matching
  • derives a recurrence for a simple variant of edit distance
  • designs a filtering algorithm based on a given simple filtration condition
  • derives a recurrence for a complex variant of edit distance
  • uses advanced approximate string matching techniques for complex variants of edit distance
Suffix trees and arrays
  • same as sets of strings and exact string matching
  • constructs the suffix tree, the suffix array and the LCP array for a given string
  • solves simple problems using suffix trees and arrays
  • describes several additional data structures associated with suffix trees and arrays
  • describes basic ideas of algorithms for constructing suffix trees and arrays
  • solves more complex problems using suffix trees and arrays
  • implements algorithms for constructing suffix trees and arrays and for solving problems using them
  • describes compressed text indexes


22.12.2014 - 23:41 Juha Kärkkäinen
22.12.2014 - 23:41 Juha Kärkkäinen