Programming in C

Kurssilla opitaan ohjelmoimaan standardin mukaisella C-kielellä. Esitietoina oletetaan Tietorakenteet ja algoritmit sekä Aineopintojen harjoitustyö: Ohjelmointi. Kurssin harjoitukset alkavat jo ensimmäisellä viikolla ja ne tehdään ohjelmointipajassa. Kurssiin ei enää liity harjoitustyötä, vaan pajatyöskentely sisältää sekä harjoitukset että harjoitustyön. Kurssilla oletetaan, että jokaisella on käytössä jokin C-oppikirja, esim. Müldner, T.: C for Java Programmers, Addison-Wesley, 2000, tai Kernighan B.W. & Ritchie D.M.: The C Programming Language (2nd ed.), Prentice Hall, 1988. (ANSI C edition).


28.10.2016 16.00 A111
Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2016 syksy 08.09-20.10. 1-1 Englanti Tiina Niklander


Aika Huone Luennoija Päivämäärä
To 14-16 B123 Tiina Niklander 08.09.2016-20.10.2016

Kaikki ilmoittautuvat jonotusryhmään! Harjoitukset alkavat jo ensimmäisellä luentoviikolla. Harjoitusryhmät pidetään pajassa, jossa tehtävät ratkotaan yhdessä muiden opiskelijoiden sekä ohjaajien kanssa. Ohjaajien läsnäoloajat ilmoitetaan piakkoin.

Exercises begin on the first lecture week. The schedule for exercises will be published soon.


The course results are now finally available. If you wish to see your exam paper and ask questions related to the exam and course grading, you are welcome to see me in my office D225 Wednesday November 30 at 13.30 (or ask for a sepate appointment by email).


The course is based on weekly  TMC exercises.  This Fall course will appear in mooc later.

Weekly lectures are more discussion events about next week's learning goals.

Paja guidance  in B221 will be available on Mondays 14-16 and Tuesdays 13-16. You are welcome to come to paja to do the weekly exercises or ask help for problems you encountred while doing the exercises in advance.


IRC channel (#cee) is a good way to get guidance from peers. Discussions can be handled in Finnish or English.



Kurssin suorittaminen

Course will be graded based on paper exam and weekly TMC submissions.

TMC Submission deadline will be weekly on Wednesday's at 15:30.  The task submitted successfully before the deadline will be counted for course points. The number of tmc points differs weekly, but they will be scaled for course points.


NOTE: C++ specific solutions are not accepted in the exam. All solutions must be according to a ISO standardized C language. Tmc exercises use c99.



As last year the grading is based on the TMC accepted submissions (60%) and the course exam (40%). Each week will give you maximum of 6 course points (10% of course points), total of TMC is then 36 points. The exam will cover 40% of the course points. Maximum number of points available from the exam is 24. You will need to get  at least 30 points to pass the course, 12 of the points must be from the exam.

TMC point mapping to course points will appear here later.


Week TMC max 1 2 3 4 5 6
mapping from TMC points to course points - each column is course points and the content indicates the minimum required TMC point amount for that amount of course points
Week1 15 1 4 6 9 11 13
Week2 13 1 3 5 7 9 11
Week3 12 1 3 5 7 9 11
Week4 16 1 4 6 9 11 13
Week5 15 1 4 6 9 11 13
Week6 15 1 4 6 9 11 13



See the exam date, time and location from the department's exam list.

In addition to the necessary pencils, student id card and some optional snacks, in the exam you ARE ALLOWED to have ONE A4-paper with your own notes. You must return this 'note/crib sheet' with your exam paper.

Justification: It has turned out to be an excellent tool to support studying for the exam especially with programming courses, where you usually have a lot of material available while programming. This will forces you to focus on the key points you think are needed in the exam and instead of memorizing them,  you can have the paper to ̈́remember' them. During the grading, teachers will then assume syntactically and semantically correct language and all mistakes can be considered as student not knowing it properly.

Two old exams: Fall 2014 and Spring 2015. NOTE: The exam will be given only in English, unless other languages are specifically asked for.


Kirjallisuus ja materiaali

You MUST have access to at least one course book about C.

Library has several copies of C programming course books.


The course material including tmc task descriptions are available on the course's wiki pages.

Exercises can be downloaded from and they must be submitted there. Information on how to use the TMC system is available on SetUp page.


Course slides

Will be submitted just before or immediately after each meeting. They will be available in wiki.


IRC channel #cee

You can discuss about the exercises and the course in general on the IRD channel #cee either in  Finnish or English.  it is also possible to get some error messages of the server via the irc challel. There is jamobot on the channel for this purpose.