Windows Phone 7 Codecamp
Windows Phone 7 Codecamp
Windows Phone 7 Codecamp
Hajautetut järjestelmät ja tietoliikenne
A codecamp is an intensive course, which focuses on the development of small-scale applications on a given platform in small groups. This Spring the course focuses on Windows Phone 7 (WP7) development. The current development tools are based on XNA, Silverlight 4, and Visual Basic. The course starts with an introductory tutorial on the topic, after which the groups work independently for the rest of the week. To conclude, participants demonstrate their work in front of a live audience. To receive the credits it is additionally required that participants write two pages describing their work (what was the topic, what was done, how it turned out, what did it feel like to work with the target technology). At least one screen shot of the end result should be included in this document. The results are not graded; you simply pass or fail. There is no examination.


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