Pop-up Course: Linkki 24 Challenge

Algoritmit ja koneoppiminen
Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2012 syksy 16.12-16.12. 2-2 Suomi Arto Hellas


Department of Computer Science and Linkki are organizing "Linkki 24 Challenge 2012" -competition to end the fall semester. In the Linkki 24 Challenge, you solve 24 programming challenges during 12 hours. The competition starts on Sunday 16th of December at 10:00 AM in Happi youth center in Sörnäinen ( http://happi.nettiareena.fi/ ), and finishes at 22:00 hours.

You participate in the competition in teams of 2 or 3. If you don't have a friend or a set of friends participating, you can find teammates at the event. Although the event is a competition, it is open minded and intended to provide tons of fun experiences and a nice view of programming competitions held around the world. The primary language in the event will be Finnish, but in case you need English material and information, please make sure that your team is willing to help you in translations.

The event is primarily intended for 1st to 4th year students. If you're a first year student, we hope that you have attended the "Ohjelmointihaasteita" -course. Food will be organized by the organizers. If you have any allergies, please mail arto.vihavainen@helsinki.fi beforehand.

There are 40 machine places at Happi, if you will bring a laptop, please enroll in the group "98.Uusijat" . If all the places are taken (e.g. 40 people without laptop sign up for the event), we may limit the amount of maching places for a team, to allow more teams joining in.

Lé organizérs,

Linkki, Pelitalo, TKTL, Mika Laitinen, Antti Laaksonen, Mikko Sysikaski, Arto Vihavainen, you?

Kurssin suorittaminen

The course (1 ECTS) is graded 5 / pass / fail. You pass the course by attending Linkki 24 Challenge in a good attitude and giving your best. Grade 5 will be given based on performance and is at the organizers discretion. There will be no separate exam and attending the challenge from home will not be possible. If you have already attended Linkki 24 Challenge, you can get credits from this instance as well.

Kirjallisuus ja materiaali

Honor code for the event: You are not allowed to search for answers from the internet. The use of basic APIs is allowed.