Distributed Systems

Hajautetut järjestelmät ja tietoliikenne
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This course presents the basic concepts and solution principles of distributed systems. The main topics are synchronization, consistency, fault tolerance, distributed consensus, and security. The course considers different kinds of distributed systems, from modern warehouse-scale datacenters to wide-area, loosely-coupled distributed systems. The focus is on gaining an understanding on how modern distributed systems are designed and built and what are their theoretical underpinnings. The course covers the basic algorithms of distributed systems and the current state of research in the area. Course material: Largely based on research articles and supplemental material. Selected material from the book "Barroso, L. A., Clidaras, J. and Hölzle, U.: The Datacenter as a Computer¿. (book is available online)


13.12.2013 16.00 B123
Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2013 syksy 02.09-05.12. 1-2 Englanti Jussi Kangasharju


Aika Huone Luennoija Päivämäärä
Ma 10-12 C222 Jussi Kangasharju 02.09.2013-10.10.2013
To 10-12 C222 Jussi Kangasharju 02.09.2013-10.10.2013
Ma 10-12 D122 Jussi Kangasharju 28.10.2013-05.12.2013
To 10-12 D122 Jussi Kangasharju 28.10.2013-05.12.2013


Group: 1
Aika Huone Ohjaaja Päivämäärä Huomioitavaa
Pe 12-14 B222 Ossi Karkulahti 09.09.2013—11.10.2013
Pe 12-14 D122 Ossi Karkulahti 28.10.2013—06.12.2013



Most news about the course will also be on Twitter with the hashtag #tktl_distsys.



  • Final schedule change: Last lecture on November 28 covers second half of Chapter 6. On Monday December 2, we have a workshop session where you can ask questions and we will go over what is needed for the exam and roughly what it will look like. No lecture or workshop on December 5, unless needed.
  • News are posted on the Twitter feed, this list of news is likely to remain un-updated.
  • On week 37 the lecture and workshop sessions are swapped. Monday 9.9. is workshop and Thursday 12.9. is lecture.
  • First set of bi-weekly exercises has been posted. They will be covered in the exercise session on Friday 13.9.




The Moodle page for the course: https://moodle.helsinki.fi/course/view.php?id=8142. Please enroll in the course in Moodle since it will be used to turn in the home work assignments.

Kirjallisuus ja materiaali


The book Datacenter as a Computer which is part of the course material is available online.

Lecture slides will be provided as they are covered in the course.