Collaboration of Autonomous Business Services

Hajautetut järjestelmät ja tietoliikenne
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The current trend of globalization of business and increased demand for electronic business networks sets high demands for the computing platforms and business applications used in enterprises. The platforms are expected to provide support for business network establishment, participation into multiple networks simultaneously, and adaptation to heterogeneous technologies. During the course, the participants will actively gather information about the collaboration challenges and problems in an open networked environment. As potential solutions, modern ecosystem infrastructure service, business process management, and virtual organisation architectures are studied.


03.05.2011 16.00 A111
Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2011 kevät 15.03-29.04. 4-4 Englanti Lea Kutvonen


Aika Huone Luennoija Päivämäärä
Ti 12-14 D122 Lea Kutvonen 15.03.2011-29.04.2011
Pe 12-14 D122 Lea Kutvonen 15.03.2011-29.04.2011


Group: 1
Aika Huone Ohjaaja Päivämäärä Huomioitavaa
Pe 10-12 D122 Lea Kutvonen 21.03.2011—29.04.2011

Ilmoittautuminen tälle kurssille alkaa tiistaina 22.2. klo 9.00.

Registration for this course starts on Tuesday 22nd of February at 9.00.

Information for international students




 For all students: Please view details (and changes) on the schedule from the page directly: the schedule information on this page is not editable by teachers.


Course description


The present trend of globalisation in computing and social networking sets high requirements on the computing and communication solutions supporting these activities. A new infrastructure layer is being created to deal with business network establishment, support for participation into multiple networks simultaneously, adaptation to heterogeneous technologies, operating principles and regulatory domains. 

This course gives an introduction to service ecosystem architecture and its related concepts, observes a few business-oriented principles, and further analyses the potential and techniques for constructing service ecosystem infrastructure services. 

The course is directed towards the MSc and doctoral studies. It is recommended for the students interested in topic areas at

  • Collaborative and Interoperable Computing within the Distributed systems and data communication subprogramme, and
  • Service-oriented software engineering with in the Software systems subprogramme.

A strong prerequisite requirement is set on the course Scientific Writing, as half of the coursework is invested on individual litterature study and writing task.

During the course, the participants will actively gather information about the collaboration challenges and problems in an open networked environment. As potential solutions, modern middleware, business process management, and virtual organisation architectures are studied.



Course pages

 Basic information about the course (objectives, material, forms of taking the course) is available at

Specific information for the spring 2011 course is available at